Kick Start Your Foot Care Career

With our blended learning scheme on The Level 3 Diploma for The Foot Health Practitioner
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We train individuals to become safe, knowledgeable and working Foot Health Practitioners.

Our online modules include:
  • Anatomy & Physiology for the Foot Health Practitioner
  • Dermatological Pathologies
  • Recording & Communicating within the foot care envrionment
  • Infection Prevention & Control
  • Nail Dystrophies
  • Diabetic Foot Care
  • Setting Up Your Own Practice
  • Therapeutics, Medicaments & Instruments
  • Applying Foot Care Practices

All students will then join us in Wolverhampton to complete two weeks of practical training. On average, students will treat between 20-35 patients when training with us, seeing a variety of different conditions and treatments.

Designed and built for everyone

A fantastic combination of online modules and practical training. We work WITH you to ensure that our course and timings are completely flexible around your life!

Benefits of our training programs

Practical Approach

Our training completely focuses on getting you ready to be a knowledgeable Foot Health Practitioner, meaning every module is linked within each other and prepares you for your practical training.

Oriented To You

The training provided will guide you to be able to provide your treatments in both clinical and domiciliary settings!

For your career

Whether you're looking at joining a practice, franchise or becoming self-employed, we can assist you with being knowledgeable and gaining the skillset to do so!

Our Courses

Ready to get started?

Enter your email for early access. Our team will get in touch with you for a personal onboarding.
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A whole world of knowledge

Become a specialist

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